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Gorilla Tools and Services: At a Glance

  • Overview
  • What's Possible?
  • Benefits of Online Research
  • What is Gorilla?
  • Tools
  • Questionnaire Builder
  • Task Builder
  • Experiment Builder
  • Game Builder*
  • Shop Builder*
  • Multiplayer*
  • UX/UI
  • Coding/Scripting
  • Services
  • Participant Recruitment
  • Data
  • Teaching Tools
  • Open Materials
  • Onboarding
  • Support Desk

What tools and features does Gorilla offer?

Design, host and run reliable experiments online - without code. Gorilla is the all-in-one platform for Surveys, Reaction Time Tasks, Games, Shops and Multiplayer studies. So you collect high quality data from large, diverse samples. Fast.

Perfect for Experimental Psychologists and Behavioural Scientists.

Here, you can find a list of our complete suite of tools for online behavioural research. Premium tools are marked with an asterisk and are included in Standard level subscriptions and up.

Check out our Pricing if you're interested in purchasing a subscription.

What's Possible?

Explore the possibilities of online studies with Gorilla that go far beyond surveys.

What's Possible? from Gorilla Support on Vimeo.

Benefits of Online Research

Discover the expanding possibilities of conducting behavioural research online.

Benefits of Online Research from Gorilla Support on Vimeo.

What is Gorilla?

Unlock the future of online behavioural research with Gorilla, saving researchers time, money and frustration.

What is Gorilla? from Gorilla Support on Vimeo.

Questionnaire Builder

Build rich, varied questionnaires and surveys with likert scales, dropdowns, and text input, and enhance them with skip and display logic, branching, scoring and much more. Our Questionnaire Builder 2 tool is designed to match all the abilities that researchers rely on in Qualtrics' questionnaire tool. Find out more by checking out our comparison between Gorilla and Qualtrics.

To make it easier to switch from Qualtrics to Gorilla, we've added the ability to import a QSF file directly into Questionnaire Builder 2, recreating your Qualtrics survey for you. The service is currently in closed beta - if you'd like access to it, reach out to us via the Support Contact Form.

View a showcase of short videos highlighting what you can do in Questionnaire Builder.

  • Rich Text
  • Image
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Consent Form
  • Text Entry
  • Number Entry
  • Comment Box
  • Dropdown
  • Checklist
  • Checklist (Grid)
  • Radio Buttons
  • Radio Buttons (Grid)
  • Date Entry
  • Time Entry
  • Height Entry
  • Weight Entry
  • Email Entry
  • Slider
  • Rating Scale / Likert
  • Ranking Scale
  • Script
  • Scoring
  • Switch
  • Early Exit Button
  • Randomisation
  • Skip/display logic
  • Live Preview - see what your questionnaire will look like on a range of devices

Find out more in our Questionnaire Builder How To Guides.

Task Builder

Build stimulus-response, accuracy, and reaction-time tasks using a wide range of stimuli and response options. New features available in Task Builder 2 allow you to quickly build everything from classic cognitive tasks to complex staircasing paradigms to user experience research, and collect data ranging from simple keyboard and mouse presses to drag-and-drop and mousetracking responses. With unparalleled control over layout, timing and randomisation, Task Builder 2 offers the ideal combination of ease and flexibility.

View a showcase of short videos highlighting what you can do in Task Builder.

  • Content:

    • Text
    • Rich Text
    • HTML
    • Image
    • Audio
    • Background Audio
    • Video
    • Embedded YouTube
    • Embedded Vimeo
    • Hotspot
  • Responses:

    • Continue Button
    • Response Button (Text)
    • Response Button (Image)
    • Rating Scale / Likert
    • Slider
    • Effort Button
    • Dropdown
    • Keyboard Response (single)
    • Keyboard Response (multi)
    • Key to Continue
    • Text Entry
    • Number Entry
    • Click Response
    • Mouse Button Response
  • Feedback:

    • Progress Bar
    • Feedback (Accuracy)
    • Feedback Audio (Accuracy)
    • Feedback (Speed)
    • Show Response
  • Control:

    • Click to Activate
    • Click to Continue
    • Countdown
    • Drag and Drop
    • Fixation
    • Timelimit (Screen)
    • Timelimit (Section)
    • Jump to Row
    • Jump to Spreadsheet
    • Early Exit
    • Switch
    • Advance - Accuracy
    • Advance - Continue
    • Advance - Response
    • Advance - Time Limit
    • Branch
    • Compound Responses
    • Collate Responses
    • Change Difficulty - Spreadsheet
    • Change Difficulty - Staircase
    • Trigger - Active
    • Trigger - Enabled
    • Trigger - Response Window
    • Trigger - Visible
  • Appearance/Layout:

    • Background Color
    • Border
    • Text Color
    • Advanced Positioning
    • Overlay
  • Store Data:

    • Scorer
    • Save Accuracy
    • Save Data
    • Save Reaction Time
    • Save Response
    • Set Field on Start
  • Social Media:

    • Share on Facebook
    • Share on Twitter
  • Advanced:

    • Canvas Painting
    • Click Painting
    • Palette
    • Change Blindness
    • Go / No-Go
    • Go / No-Go audio
    • Go / No-Go video
    • Keyboard Hold / Release
    • Mousetracking
  • Randomisation:

    • Choose Spreadsheet Public ID
    • Random Assignment per Trial
    • Randomise Trials
    • Randomise Blocks
    • Randomise Between Columns
    • Randomise Within Column
    • Select Randomised Subset

Beta Features:

  • Audio Recording
  • Video Recording
  • Screen Recording
  • Video Feed
  • Paced/Self-Paced Reading
  • Eye Tracking (NEW: Integration of WebGazer2.0)
  • MouseView
  • Gabor Patch
  • Screen Calibration
  • Click Painting Video
  • Haptic Feedback (Mobile, Tablet)
  • Vernier Go Direct Hand Dynamometer integration

Watch the videos below for an overview of the Task Builder tool, and some of the cool things that can be achieved!

Find out more in our Task Builder How To Guides.

Experiment Builder

Deploy your questionnaires, tasks, games, or shops to participants and introduce any randomisation, counterbalancing, and additional complexity you need. In Gorilla's intuitive graphical drag-and-drop Experiment Builder, your Experiment takes the form of a tree or flowchart. You create Experiments by combining together your Questionnaire and Task components as 'Nodes', which you link together to form your Experiment Tree.

Read more about the complex experiment designs Gorilla makes easy, including within-subject and between-subject designs, order controls, randomisation, counterbalancing, and more.

  • Questionnaire
  • Task
  • Start
  • Finish
  • Reject
  • Redirect
  • Checkpoint
  • Reward
  • Delay
  • Quota
  • Repeat
  • Switch
  • Branch
  • Randomiser
  • Order
  • Counterbalance
  • Allocator
  • Lobby
  • Live Branch
  • Live Gate

Find out more in our Experiment Builder How To Guides.

Game Builder

Build gamified tasks using animations and particle effects. Go beyond traditional lab-based experiments with ease! Using our Game Builder can increase data quality by boosting participant attention, motivation, and engagement.

We've written a blog article about gamified research, where you can learn more. You can also watch a recording of our Game Builder webinar to learn how to start creating your own behavioural research games.

Find out more in our Game Builder How To Guides.

Shop Builder

Build a simulated online shop to investigate consumer and purchasing behaviour, complete with your own products, nudges, discounts, and more. To your participants, Shop Builder looks like a normal online shop, but behind the scenes you wield a powerful research tool! Perfect for consumer psychology researchers and students.

Have a look at the case study 'Influencing Consumers' at Kings Business School, if you're interested in learning more.

Find out more in our Shop Builder How To Guides.


Enhance your Task Builder 2 creations by allowing them to be played by multiple participants simultaneously and interactively. Perfect for social and economic research! Our Multiplayer makes it possible to let participants collaborate on a given task.

Want to know more? Check out our Multiplayer blog article.

Find out more in our Multiplayer How To Guides.


Using the Task Builder tool you can investigate how users interact with websites and improve their overall usability or behavioural architecture. These tasks are easy to set up using combinations of components layered on top of one another and without the need for any additional code. Of course, as with every Task Builder task, all the behavioural metrics are provided in the data output, too!

The same techniques can be used to create social media interventions, as well:

Find out more in our UX Tasks Guide.

Coding and Scripting

Use the Script tab to add custom scripts into your Tasks, giving you the freedom to adapt tasks built in the Task Builder to meet your exact requirements. Find out more about Task Builder scripting in our Scripting guide.

Or, if you would rather completely code your task yourself, then you can use our Code Editor. This gives you all the freedom you need to develop any task. Use JavaScript/TypeScript, jquery, HTML and CSS to design and create your study. You can even integrate third party libraries (jsPsych, voice recognition, feature detection) to collect novel data.

Find out more in our Scripting Guide.

Participant Recruitment

Gorilla has automatic integration with a wide range of popular participant recruitment services, such as Prolific, Sona Systems®, and Amazon Mechanical Turk. We also offer a variety of crowdsourced recruitment options. However you choose to recruit your participants, you can restrict access to your experiment based on participants' device type, browser, location, and connection speed.

Find out more in our guide to launching your study on Gorilla.

Recruitment Options:

  • Crowdsource Recruitment:
    • Simple Link
    • Pilot
    • Supervised
  • Email Recruitment:
    • Email Shot
    • Email ID
  • Third Party Integrated Recruitment:
    • Prolific
    • Sona Systems®
    • Amazon Mechanical Turk
    • Qualtrics
    • Qualtrics Panel
    • CloudResearch
    • Kantar Profiles
    • Third Party, enabling integration with any third-party service

Recruitment Features:

  • Set Recruitment Target
  • Participation Time Limit
  • Participant Rewards

Requirement Features:

  • Device Types
    • Computers (Desktops and Laptops)
    • Tablets
    • Phones
  • Browser Types
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Safari
    • Opera
    • Edge (Modern)
    • Edge (Legacy)
    • Internet Explorer
    • Other
  • Location
  • Connection Speed


All data you collect using Gorilla is owned by you. Our secure data storage, located within the EU, is end-to-end encrypted and fully complies with Data Protection Regulation [EU & UK] (GDPR), the British Psychological Society (BPS) and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Guidelines. You can find out more about how we store and process data in our Due Diligence guide.

Task data is provided in long-format (one row per trial) in a format which can be easily downloaded as CSV, XLSX or ODS files and pivoted into short format (one row per participant). Questionnaire data can be downloaded in either short-format (one row per participant) or long-format (one row per trial), as CSV, XLSX or ODS files. Find out more about how to preprocess and analyse your data in our Data Analysis guide.

Teaching Tools

Gorilla is a great resource for teaching online research methods. With our teaching tools, available for free to any user on a Department subscription, you can create assignments for your students, provide them with materials and review their submissions. Our Samples library also has hundreds of pre-built tasks, questionnaires and experiments ready for your students to copy and edit, giving them practical experience with real online experiments.

Open Materials

Gorilla Open Materials is an open-access repository of materials created in Gorilla, contributed by the research community. Preview, clone and edit tasks, questionnaires and experiments for use in your own work or for teaching.

Once you've run your study, make your own materials available on Open Materials to increase the transparency of your research and contribute to open science. Control access to your Materials using the privacy settings, and then add additional information and images to explain your procedure. Use the preferred citation setting to include a link to your published paper.

For more information, see our Introducing Open Materials page.


For every university with a Department Subscription, our team hosts a free and private Gorilla Onboarding Workshop! We introduce your researchers and students to every aspect of Gorilla to help you get up and running quickly, including:

  • Training on the Questionnaire Builder
  • Training on the Task Builder
  • Walkthrough of the whole experiment process, from set up to data downloading
  • Using our library of sample Experiments, Tasks and Questionnaires
  • Accessing our support information and support desk

If you are not on a Department subscription, you can join our free bi-weekly public onboarding workshop.

Support Desk

At Gorilla, we take pride in providing top-notch customer support that’s powered by our in-house team of experts. Unlike outsourced solutions, our support team comprises highly qualified full-time members who are specialists in their fields. With backgrounds ranging from PhD-level expertise in behavioural science to software engineering, our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional service and unparalleled knowledge to ensure your success.

We aim to respond to all support queries within 48 hours (within our working days of Mon-Fri, 9-5pm GMT). Our recent data from the previous 6 months shows 70% of support queries are typically answered within 24 hours and 15% are answered within 1 hour. The median time for a query to be fully resolved is 19 hours.

Curious? You can meet our support team here.

Want to hear what our users think? Check out our testimonials page.