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Game Builder

Build gamified tasks using animations and particle effects. Game Builder is one of our premium tools that's available on any Standard level subscription or as an add-on - you can create gamified tasks for free but will need to have a subscription in order to collect data from participants.

Quick Links

Step-By-Step Guide
First time using this tool? Follow our step-by-step guide and get up and running quickly

How-To Guide
Take a tour of the tools and understand how they work

Components Guide
Full listing of all the different components you can use

Animation Guide
Full listing of all the different animations you can use

Browse tutorials of specific features in Game Builder

Explore some example games built in Game Builder

In-Depth Guides

Binding Guide
Understand how to bind to the spreadsheet, manipulations and more

Layout and Positioning Guide
Understand how layout and positioning works in Game Builder

Response Processing Guide
Understand how participant responses are handled and what you can do with them

Object-Component System Guide
Understand the underlying architecture of Objects and Components

Scripting Tools
Discover our newest Scripting Tools

Pro Tip

To learn how to get the most out of Game Builder, watch a recording of our Game Builder Webinar!