To make Gorilla as accessible as possible at any level of budget, use of the Gorilla software is free and we only charge for access to the data collected. The way we control access to the data collected is via Participant Tokens. You need to purchase one Token for each participant you intend to collect data from. You can find out more about tokens and when they are consumed on our Participant Status and Tokens guide.
One option is to buy tokens at our standard pay-as-you-go rates. However, you can save money by instead purchasing tokens in bulk as an annual subscription. A subscription gives you a set number of tokens for the year which you can assign to your experiments as needed. The page above takes you through the types of subscriptions we offer and how to access and manage them.
We offer different types of subscription - see our pricing page for full details:
For a discount on the standard pay-as-you-go rate, you can purchase an individual researcher subscription. The base package of our researcher subscription includes 1 user and 200 tokens. Add-on token packs are available if you need to top up your token allowance. Your subscription also allows you full access to Gorilla's support services.
This subscription is now called Researcher - Basic subscription. But you can also purchase a Researcher - Standard subscription, which costs a little more, but comes with all three of our new tools (Game Builder, Shop Builder and Multiplayer).
If several people in your lab or team will be using Gorilla, you can further reduce costs by buying a lab or team subscription! Lab subscriptions are for academic labs and Team subscriptions are for commercial teams, but they work in the same way, allowing multiple people to have access to the same pool of tokens.
Members of your lab/team (each with their own Gorilla account) would be added as members of your Lab/Team subscription. This would give them the ability to request tokens from the subscription for their own study. You could also do this across several labs or teams. The base package of our Lab/Team subscription includes 10 users and 2,000 tokens, with the option to buy additional top-up packages.
This subscription is now called Lab - Basic or Team - Basic. But you can also purchase a Lab - Standard or Team - Standard subscription, which costs a little more, but comes with all three of our new tools (Game Builder, Shop Builder and Multiplayer). If you are in a commercial team rather than an academic lab, you also have the further option of a Team + Success subscription, which comes with all three of our new tools plus 3 hours of bespoke training.
To learn about renewing your Lab or Team subscription see our Renewals page.
If several research groups or student cohorts want to use Gorilla, then you can reduce costs by buying a department subscription. This is best for departments that want to keep costs down, and are happy to take on some administrative burden. The department - Basic subscription includes unlimited users and 5,000 tokens, with the option to buy additional top-up packages. The Department Standard and the Standard XL subscriptions have unlimited tokens available. Both Department - Standard and Standard XL subscriptions also include access to our premium tools (Game Builder, Shop Builder and Multiplayer).
Subscription members can then ask the subscription administrator for tokens, which the administrator can approve. The workflow is built into Gorilla so that this is easy and not time-consuming. The subscription can be set up so that all users on the subscription are automatically entitled to X (e.g. 50) tokens without needing approval. This can work well for universities using Gorilla for undergraduate teaching.
Members of any department subscription can also access Gorilla's Teaching Tools. If your department has a subscription, your subscription administrator can assign the Teacher role to any subscription member who needs access to the Teaching Tools.
We are able to accept Purchase Orders and issue invoices in advance of purchase for lab and department subscriptions. Email us for more information.
See our Pricing page for more information on our subscriptions.
If you are interested in renewing your Department Subscription, please get in touch with us via
If you have any questions or want to chat about the best subscription for you, just send us an email at
You can now purchase subscriptions via the Gorilla website! You'll find the link to do this on your My Account page:
If you'd prefer us to issue you a quote in advance of payment, email us at and we'll be able to organise this for you. To receive an invoice in advance, use the steps below for your subscription type:
For Researcher or Lab subscriptions:
When purchasing a Researcher or Lab subscription, you will see a Pay by Invoice button at the bottom of the payment window:
Once clicked, you will be shown a Pay by Invoice section, with a 'Request an Invoice' button. By pressing this button, an email will be automatically sent to our subscriptions team detailing the request. Please note, this may also contain a processing fee.
For Department subscriptions:
If you are buying a Department subscription, you can request an invoice in advance of payment by emailing
To see our subscription pricing, visit our Pricing page.
You can find your subscription status through 'My Account'.
If you are entitled to be added to your department's subscription, you may have already been added. Ordinarily, you will need to sign up to Gorilla using your academic email address in order to be added to your department's subscription. If you do not have an academic email address but still think you should be added to the subscription, contact your Subscription Administrator.
If you have been given an enrolment code by your university, you can enter this either when signing up for a Gorilla account, or from your My Account page after you are logged in.
On the screen where you choose your role, click 'I have an enrolment code':
This will open a window where you can enter your enrolment code:
Once you're logged in to Gorilla, go to My Account. Click the button labelled 'My institution or lab already has a subscription':
This will open a window where you can enter your enrolment code:
If you have not been added to your department's subscription, and you do not have an enrolment code, please contact your department's subscription administrator, whose details can be found on this list of institutions with subscriptions. If your subscription administrator is not listed, ask internally to your department to find out who they are.
The Subscription Administrator is the person within your department (usually a technician) who has control of who is on the subscription.
They can add and remove people from the subscription at any time. This means that only people authorised to use the subscription benefit from your subscription.
On a metered department subscription, subscription administrators are also able to control token usage through a token request system.
You can find the details of your Subscription Administrator on this list of institutions with subscriptions.
If your institution or administrator's information isn't mentioned in our list of institutions with subscriptions, please ask internally within your department for the contact details of your subscription administrator.
If you are the subscription administrator on a Lab or Team subscription, have a look at our guide for subscription administrators (Lab)
If you are the subscription administrator on a Department subscription, have a look at our guide for subscription administrators (Department)
Yes – you can collaborate with any Gorilla user anywhere in the world. And together you can choose whether or not to use tokens from your department subscription.
In Gorilla, only the project owner can change recruitment policies and assign tokens. The project owner is the person who created the project folder in Gorilla. So, if Nick Hodges from Gorilla University adds Jo to a project, the tokens come from Nick (or Gorilla University's subscription). If Jo Evershed from Cauldron Institute adds Nick to one of her projects, the tokens come from Jo (or Cauldron Institute's subscription).
This prevents other researchers from running up a bill for their own projects at your department’s expense!
If you are on a researcher subscription, all the tokens from your subscription will be automatically assigned to you upon purchase. If you are on any other kind of subscription, you will need to request tokens before you can assign your tokens to an experiment.
If you are on a lab subscription, all requests will be approved automatically. Your subscription administrator will be able to see how many tokens you have requested.
If you are on a department subscription, your department will set a limit on the number of tokens that can be granted to each user automatically upon request, and any further requests will have to be approved. Please ask your Subscription Administrator if you want to know the token rules for your subscription.
The Recruitment Tab in the Experiment Builder by clicking Change Recruitment Target and increasing the Recruitment Target (Ns). You will then be asked where to request the tokens from. The appearance of the pop-up window depends on which subscription(s) you are on.
In the example above, we can request from the department subscription, but we could also decide to buy, and pay for, our own tokens. If you are on an unlimited subscription or if you still have tokens available on your account, these will be marked as green buttons, but the process would be the same to add them to your recruitment target.
If we want to request tokens from the department subscription, we will get another pop-up window which looks something like this. (Depending on the rules of your subscription, the Reference and Comments fields may or may not be included in the form you see.)
Ask your Subscription Administrator for the details you need to include on this form. The Reference field is designed for project references, grant codes, or any other code which might be used for reporting. The Comments field is a free text box that allows you to explain in more detail about what you need the tokens for. The name of your experiment will be automatically included on the token request, so you do not need to add it here.
Depending on your department, you may also see a 'Reviewer' dropdown menu at the top of the Request Tokens window, where you have to select a specific reviewer to handle your request.
Your department should advise you which reviewer to select. Check with your subscription administrator if you're not sure!
Note: You can also return tokens you already have on your account to your subscription by completing the form exactly as above, but entering a negative number, e.g. -100 . This only applies to tokens that are not assigned to an experiment: if tokens are already assigned to an experiment they will first need to be unassigned, which you can do by reducing the experiment's recruitment target.
For more information on assigning tokens to an experiment, see the Assigning Tokens section of our Pricing FAQ.
Being on several subscriptions is possible and you can see all your subscriptions in the same way as described above. By clicking on 'My Account', you can see subscriptions you are currently a member of and go to each one.
To request tokens from any of your subscriptions, open the experiment for which you need the tokens, go to the Recruitment tab, and click 'Change Recruitment Target'. You will be able to choose from which subscription you want to request your tokens (see screenshot below).
A seat is the same as a user. If you have 10 seats on your subscription, that means you can have up to 10 users accessing your subscription.
Only the project owner can assign tokens to an experiment. If a user who is not the project owner wants to assign tokens to an experiment, you will need to transfer the ownership of the project to the user with the tokens.
First, you need to ensure that recruitment is not currently active on any experiments within the project. Tokens currently assigned to an experiment's recruitment target are associated with the Project Owner's account, so projects cannot be transferred to a new owner whilst recruitment is active. To request a change in Project Ownership, you must first ensure that all unused tokens are unassigned from the experiment.
Once you have unassigned all unused tokens from the experiment, you can request to transfer Project Ownership. This can be done automatically using the Support Contact Form. From the dropdown menu, select 'Project Ownership Change Request'.
The other party will receive a notification about the requested change via email, which they can also find by going directly to their account notifications. They will need to approve the change request themselves.
Both the requester of the transfer, and the other party, will need to provide a reason for the transfer. In some cases, Gorilla Admin may need to review these requests.
Once the request has been approved by the other party (and, in some cases, Gorilla Admin), both the requester and other party will receive an email notification that the process has been approved. Again, this can be found directly in account notifications.
Please Note: If you are looking to transfer the ownership of multiple projects, you will need to fill in a new request form for each project transfer.
If your subscription is going to expire, you can choose to renew your subscription. We have specific guides for Department Renewals and Lab/Team Renewals which should help you to set up your renewal. When the subscription renews, you will keep any assigned tokens from the subscription.
If you do not wish to renew your subscription, when the subscription expires, you will lose access to any benefits the subscription offers, such as tokens and access to premium tools. Tokens that are assigned to subscription members' accounts and experiments will be automatically reclaimed at the end of the subscription period. The only exceptions to this are tokens that are reserved by Live participants in experiments to prevent any disruption to live data collection.
When your subscription expires or you leave your subscription, you will still have access to your account, your projects (and any tasks, experiments etc. within them), and your data.
If you are leaving your university and you are about to lose access to your e-mail address, there are a few things to consider.
If you are allowed to retain access to the data you already have collected, the simplest solution is just to change the email address associated with the account and remove yourself from the subscription (if applicable).
If you are an undergraduate student, this might not be appropriate, as you are usually not allowed to take the data with you when you leave your university. In that case, you can create a personal account, and add yourself as a collaborator from your private account without providing yourself data access. This will allow you to keep access to your tasks, but not the data.
If you want to delete your entire account, have a look at our Due Diligence page.
Universities often have internal due diligence processes that must be followed to allow procurement to proceed. All the information required can be found from this Due Diligence page.