Support Home Task Builder 2 Tutorials Tutorial: Screen Timelimit and Countdown

Tutorial: Screen Timelimit and Countdown


This task shows you how to add a time limit to a screen in your task, and show the participant a countdown to the time running out.

We set up the time limit in the Screen tab by adding a Time Limit component. You can either enter the specific time limit you want in the Time Limit field, or vary the time limit from trial to trial by binding it to the spreadsheet. Optionally, toggling on 'Treat As Response' allows you to score trials where the participant reached the time limit without responding as correct or incorrect.

For the countdown, we add a new Object to the Objects tab and select a Countdown component. In the Show Partial Time Remaining field, we enter the amount of time for which we want to display the countdown. Leaving this field blank would make the countdown show up from the start of the screen.

In this example, the screen advances as soon as the participant submits a response, even if the time limit has not yet been reached. To make the screen last for the entire time limit even if the participant has responded, add a Wait For Time Limit component to the Screen tab.

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