Support Home Task Builder 2 Tutorials Tutorial: Progress

Tutorial: Progress


This task demonstrates how to calculate progress and display it to participants throughout the task in a form of a Progress Bar. This might be particularly helpful in long tasks to keep participants informed on how far into the task they are.

First, add a Progress bar component - a visual element of the progress - to the screen where you want to show the progress. In this example, we added it to both Screen 1 (fixation) and Screen 2 (task).

On Screen 1, in the Objects tab, create a Progress Field showing the value to increment for this progress bar - you can choose it to be linked to the number of trials, number of correct responses, or other criteria. Here, we use it for the total number of trials and save it to the field called 'progress'. We specify the maximum value of progress in the Progress Maximum - here we put 7 because we have seven trials and we want to show progress for all of them.

On Screen 2, we put the same Progress Bar component with the same settings as in Screen 1 to let Gorilla know that the progress field is the same for these both screens. On Screen 2, however, we also add a Progress component to the Screen tab, where we set the conditions for progress increase (and its visual representation in Progress bar). In this example, we want to increase the progress on every trial, regardless of the response given, its accuracy or other criteria, therefore we choose 'Always' and select this criterion to apply to the 'progress' field that both Progress bars are linked to. This way, at the end of the Screen 2, the progress will increase for each trial and on the next trial we will see Progress bar filling on the top of the screen.

You can also set up the Progress Bar so that it increases across multiple tasks in a single experiment, as shown in this Progress Bar across Multiple Tasks Sample.

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