This tutorial shows you how to set up a few different ways of playing a video using different combinations of components.
You can turn on the controls within the Video component and let the participant play/pause the video as much as they like.
You can try to enable autoplay by adding a Trigger - Active component to the same object as the Video component and set it to activate at Screen Start. NB: some browsers restrict autoplay unless the participant has triggered it with a mouse click, so there is no guarantee that this will work. It's usually safer to let the participant trigger the video to play themselves.
You can add a Click To Activate component to the Video object. This does exactly what it says on the tin and activates (plays) the video once it's clicked.
Finally, you can create a Play button. This combines a Button component with a Click Response component that submits a 'play' response when clicked on. Again, we add a Trigger - Active component to the Video object, but this time the Trigger is set to Response, and the Response to 'play'. The video will play once the 'play' response is received, i.e., when the participant clicks the Play button.