Support Home Shop Builder Tutorials Tutorial: Basket Distribution

Tutorial: Basket Distribution


This tutorial demonstrates how to add a Basket Distribution condition to the Shop Builder. This distribution will appear in the basket panel of the shop. First, we create a new column in the Products spreadsheet and define which products we would like to include in the distribution. In this example, we add a column called 'Rating', and we give each product a rating from 1 to 5.

Then, we navigate to the Basket Distribution tab, and add a new condition. We set the Scoring Field to the 'Rating' column of the Products spreadsheet, and leave the Weighting as the Default. The first rating is for products that score more than 3 in the Rating column. We also set the Background and Text Colours using the Hex colour codes. The Range criteria for this distribution is set so that it is applied to products where the Rating is greater than or equal to 3 with no max.

The second distribution is for products where the Rating is less than 3. The Range criteria for this distribution is set so that it is applied to products where the Rating is less than 3 with no min.

Now, when we preview the shop and select the Basket Distribution condition from the dropdown, we can see the distributions appear as we add products to the basket.

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