Support Home Launching Your Study Design


  • Overview
  • Adding Experiment Nodes
  • Manipulations and Multiple Spreadsheets
  • Checking Experiment Flow


This page guides you through the Design tab of the Experiment Builder. The Design Tab will appear slightly different depending on whether you are using New Experiment Builder or Classic Experiment Builder.

New Experiment Builder:

Below, you can find an annotated diagram of the Design Tab in the New Experiment Builder.

Annotated Design tab in New Experiment Builder showing the interface described below
  1. Name of your Experiment: you can change this by clicking the current name and typing a new one. To add or change the experiment's Description, use the 'Switch to Classic' button to switch back to Classic Experiment Builder, make the change, then switch back to New Experiment Builder.
  2. Preview button: click this to see how your experiment looks for a participant.
  3. Version control tools: Version History to view previous versions of your experiment, and either the Edit button (if you are not currently making changes), or Commit/Cancel buttons (if you are currently making changes).
  4. Add Node button: click this to add new content to your experiment.
  5. Check for Errors button: click this to find any problems with your Experiment Tree; Update All Nodes button: click this to update all task and questionnaire nodes in your experiment to the latest versions.
  6. Design Space. Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out.

Classic Experiment Builder:

Below, you can find an annotated diagram of the Design Tab in the Classic Experiment Builder.

Annotated Design tab showing the interface described below
  1. Name of your Experiment and Description: you can change these in the settings under Name and Description
  2. Settings & Preview Experiment
  3. Version Bar: Version History, current experiment status: either Edit, or Cancel Changes/Commit Version
  4. Design Bar: Add New Node, New Node Icons
  5. Utilities menu: Update All Nodes, Check for Errors
  6. Design Space: This is where you add Tasks, Questionnaires and Control Nodes.

Adding Experiment Nodes

To find this guide useful, you should have added your Task and Questionnaire Nodes to an experiment tree. If you haven't done this yet, read more about how to build an experiment.

Once you have added your tasks and questionnaires to your experiment, you may want to consider adding Control Nodes to your experiment. These nodes allow you to manipulate the path of participants through your experiment. For example, you may want to randomise participants to two different conditions of your experiment - this can be achieved by adding a Randomiser Node.

Checkpoint Nodes are also incredibly useful nodes to add to your experiment. These allow you to keep track of Participant progress throughout your experiment. Checkpoint Nodes can be helpful in tracking participants returning to your study in longitudinal or multi-part studies, or helping judge when to manually include participants in your dataset.

You can find more information about the available Experiment Nodes in our Experiment Tooling Reference Guide.

Manipulations and Multiple Spreadsheets

If you are using multiple spreadsheets or manipulations within your tasks, these will all need to be set within the Task Node at the experiment level.

Multiple Spreadsheets

You can add as many spreadsheets to your task as you wish. You may want to use multiple spreadsheets to show participants a different set of stimuli, for example. You can find some more information about how to add multiple spreadsheets in your task in our How-To guide.

If you would like to set a specific spreadsheet to a specific instance of the task, you will need to click on the Task Node within the experiment tree, and choose the spreadsheet from the Spreadsheet dropdown. This will appear slightly different depending on whether you are using New Experiment Builder or Classic Experiment Builder.

New Experiment Builder:

Screenshot of task node settings in New Experiment Builder showing Spreadsheet dropdown

Classic Experiment Builder:

Screenshot of task node settings in Classic Experiment Builder showing Spreadsheet dropdown

Once you have selected which spreadsheet you would like to use for more than one node, you will be able to see the spreadsheet associated with each task at the experiment tree level.

Screenshot of experiment tree showing 2 copies of a task, one with Easy spreadsheet and one with Hard spreadsheet

This screenshot shows the new Experiment Builder interface. If you’re still using the classic interface, it will appear slightly different.

If you do not set up the spreadsheet at the task node level in this way, the first spreadsheet in the list will be used by default.

If you have a larger number of spreadsheets, setting the spreadsheet for each task individually can lead to a very large experiment tree which can be difficult to manage. In this case, we would recommend using a Counterbalance Node to assign participants to different spreadsheets within the same task node.

Task Manipulations

If you have set up manipulations within your task, you will need to configure these at the experiment level before participants start your experiment.

To configure the manipulation at the experiment, click on the task node. When you click on the task node, you will be able to see the Task Manipulation in the window. This will include the name and description you have set for the Manipulation. Then, from the dropdown or in the free text field, you can set the value you would like to use for each task. This will appear slightly different depending on whether you are using New Experiment Builder or Classic Experiment Builder.

New Experiment Builder:

Screenshot of task node settings in New Experiment Builder showing Manipulation dropdown

Classic Experiment Builder:

Screenshot of task node settings in Classic Experiment Builder showing Manipulation dropdown

Once you have set Manipulations for more than one task node, you will be able to see which manipulation has been set for each task, as shown below.

Screenshot of experiment tree showing 2 copies of a task, one with Time Limit set to 1000 and one with Time Limit set to 3000

This screenshot shows the new Experiment Builder interface. If you’re still using the classic interface, it will appear slightly different.

If you do not set the manipulations in this way, the default value of the manipulation will be used for every participant.

Checking Experiment Flow

Before you get ready to launch your experiment, there are a couple of things we recommend doing to check your experiment works properly.

Previewing your experiment is the best way to see what your experiment will look like to your participants. You can preview your experiment as many times as you want to! The Preview button will appear slightly different depending on whether you are using New Experiment Builder or Classic Experiment Builder.

New Experiment Builder:

A screenshot of the New Experiment Builder. The preview button has been highlighted with a purple box.

Classic Experiment Builder:

A screenshot of the Classic Experiment Builder. The red preview button on the right has been highlighted with a purple box.

At the end of the preview, you will be given the opportunity to download the data from that preview. This is a great way to check your data, and make sure all the relevant information that you need for your analysis are being recorded.

If you need to make changes to your tasks or questionnaires after they have been added to your experiment tree, you will need to make sure you update your nodes to the latest version once the changes have been committed in the Task or Questionnaire Builder.

When you are happy with how your experiment works, be sure to commit this version of the experiment. When you recruit participants, they will enter the latest committed version of the experiment. The Commit button will appear slightly different depending on whether you are using New Experiment Builder or Classic Experiment Builder.

New Experiment Builder:

A screenshot of the New Experiment Builder. The green commit button has been highlighted with a purple box.

Classic Experiment Builder:

A screenshot of the Classic Experiment Builder. The green commit button has been highlighted with a purple box.