Support Home Questionnaire Builder 2 Tutorials Tutorial: Scoring

Tutorial: Scoring


You can add some scoring to your questionnaire by using the Scoring tab. This tutorial will show you how to set up a basic score, based on a subset of items of your questionnaire. In the video below, you can see the questionnaire we are using to ask our participants about their language experience. As we want to know whether we can consider our participants as monolinguals or bilinguals, we will calculate a score from their answers to our questions.

First of all, we need to navigate to the Scoring tab and add a new score. Then, we can decide which pages of our questionnaire we want to include. In this case, we only have one page, so we decide to include this one. Next, we need to decide which items of our questionnaire we want to include. By default, none of them are included. Once we have included an item, we can start by applying a score to this item.

Here, we are looking at the item 'Reading' and we could use Default scoring to score the answer options 1, 2, 3 and 4 with the same score as they indicate. If we want to start the scoring with 0, we can change the Index from setting. We could also Reverse score this item, our answers would then be scored in the opposite way. If we wanted the score to be completely different for each answer possibility, we can apply some Custom scoring, by adding the individual score for each response.

We now decide to include the other questions about listening, writing and speaking in the same way. For the question about bilingualism, we choose custom scoring to apply more points to the answers. We don't want to score the question about the age of acquisition, therefore we don't include it in the scoring.

For the last question, as this is a grid, we can decide to score every line in the same way. But what if we wanted to score some lines differently? In that case, we could apply Individual scoring, where we can choose the scoring mode for every line.

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