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Classic Psychology Tasks

Not sure what some of the classical psychology tasks are? Want to know how they can be built in Gorilla? Look no further! The guides below provide helpful insight into some of psychological research's classical tasks, such as the Flanker Task and the Stroop Task.

Alternate Task Switching
Find out more about Alternate Task Switching tasks and how they can be built in Gorilla.

Digit Span
Find out more about Digit Span tasks and how they can be built in Gorilla.

Flanker Task
Find out more about the Flanker Task and how this can be built in Gorilla.

Implicit Association Task
Find out more about the IAT and how it can be built in Gorilla.

Misinformation Effect
Find out more about the Misinformation Effect and how this can be studied in Gorilla.

N-Back task
Find out more about N-Back tasks and how they can be built in Gorilla.

Picture Superiority Effect
Find out more about the Picture Superiority effect and how it can be studied in Gorilla.

Relational Reasoning
Find out more about Relational Reasoning tasks and how they can be built in Gorilla.

Simon Task
Find out more about the Simon task and how it can be built in Gorilla.

Stop Signal Delay
Find out more about Stop Signal Delay tasks and how they can be built in Gorilla.

Stroop Task
Find out more about the Stroop Task and how this can be built in Gorilla.

Find out more about the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task and how it can be built in Gorilla.